Asistent/ka ekonomického oddělení v mezinárodní firmu se znalostí ukrajinštiny či ruštiny, angličtiny

Před 924 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
CZ Asistent/ka ekonomického oddělení v mezinárodní firmu se znalostí ukrajinštiny či ruštiny, angličtiny minimální zkušeností 5 let. Požadujeme : • znalost a odbornost v oblasti fakturace, • znalost účetních operací, • výborné organizační a komunikační dovednosti, • samostatnost, pečlivost a odpovědnost, • znalost práce na PC (Microsoft Office,Outlook, Internet) • znalost angličtiny, ukrajinštinu a ruštiny • minimální 5 let praxe na obdobně pozice v IT firm • znalost učteních systému ENG Assistant of the economic department in an international company with knowledge of Ukrainian or Russian, English, minimum experience of 5 years. Require : • knowledge and expertise in the field of invoicing, • knowledge of accounting operations, • excellent organizational and communication skills, • independence, care and responsibility, • knowledge of working on a PC (Microsoft Office, Outlook, Internet) • English, Ukrainian and Russian • minimum 5 years of experience in a similar position... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha

Podobné inzeráty

Studium Bible v Angličtině
Přidáno včera - Ústecký kraj - BAZOS
Studium Bible King James v Angličtině. Bible study. King James (KJV) "Proverbs 4:1 Hear, ye children, the instruction of a father, and attend to know understanding. 4:2 For I give you good doctrine, forsake ye not my law. 4:3 For I was my father's son, tender and only beloved in the sight of my mother. 4:4 He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine heart retain my words: keep my commandments, and live. 4:5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. 4:6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. 4:7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 4:8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her. 4:9 She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee. 4:10 Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of... (více v detailu)
Ústecký kraj
Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan | 0302~7800897 | Shop Now
Mota Hone Ki Medicine | EtsyTeleBrand.Com Mota Hone Ki Medicine in Pakistan is presently just given by Al Barni. Which is exceedingly requested among the each individual in light of the fact that the individual who have zero physical wellbeing he isn’t looking great with the goal that’s the reason everybody needs to get excellent body particularly adolescents who are effecting in exercise center for body like developers so Al Barni Body Buildo is just and best mota hone ki medicine in Pakistan which have the least cost and different preferences. Mota Hone ki Dawa in Urdu: Mota hone ki dawa in Urdu is the prerequisite to remain solid and remain more astute with the goal that’s the reason each individual need to look brilliant and good looking so they utilize Body Buildo to make their body lovely and appealing and particularly to influence delightful muscle on thei... (více v detailu)
Bustmaxx Pills In Pakistan | 0302~7800897 | Shop Now
Bustmaxx Pills In Pakistan Below, We Will Go Over What Bustmaxx Is And How It Can Help You Avoid Costly And Painful Surgery. If You Have Any Questions About This Product Or You Want To Learn Even More About It, Contact Our Office Today. What is Bustmaxx ? Bustmaxx in Pakistan Is A Natural Supplement That Claims To Stimulate New Cell Growth In The Mammary Glands – Boosting Your Real Curves In The Places You Want. Here Are Some Of The Claims. Increase Breast Size Naturally Within Months. All-natural Formulation. The Only Pharmaceutical Grade Breast Enlargement Formula On The Market. Top 5 Most Desirable Benefits Of Bustmaxx Helps You Feel Better About Yourself Can Increase Cup Size Up To 2-3 Sizes All Natural Formula In Vegan Capsules Bustmaxx Is A Safer Alter... (více v detailu)
Bustmaxx Pills Price In Pakistan | 0302~7800897 | Shop Now
Bustmaxx Pills In Pakistan Below, We Will Go Over What Bustmaxx Is And How It Can Help You Avoid Costly And Painful Surgery. If You Have Any Questions About This Product Or You Want To Learn Even More About It, Contact Our Office Today. What is Bustmaxx ? Bustmaxx in Pakistan Is A Natural Supplement That Claims To Stimulate New Cell Growth In The Mammary Glands – Boosting Your Real Curves In The Places You Want. Here Are Some Of The Claims. Increase Breast Size Naturally Within Months. All-natural Formulation. The Only Pharmaceutical Grade Breast Enlargement Formula On The Market. Top 5 Most Desirable Benefits Of Bustmaxx Helps You Feel Better About Yourself Can Increase Cup Size Up To 2-3 Sizes All Natural Formula In Vegan Capsules Bustmaxx Is A Safer Alter... (více v detailu)
Montalin Capsules In Pakistan | 0302~7800897 | Shop Now
Montalin Capsules In Pakistan Effective for control Uric Acid, Helps to reduse Chronic Rheumatic pain, to Destroy Blood Clots , Joint Support, Gout Relief Solution. Efficacy Capsules Montalin This capsule is a herbal product that has many benefits and is suitable to overcome various diseases such as: Treating gout Overcoming stiff as a result of the work day Reducing cholesterol from foods that are not good Keep your body fit and fresh Flex its muscles rigid and treat cramps Eliminate the stress you Making the body feel more refreshed when you wake up Helps to maintain Stamina that makes people Live Longer. With a complex of traditional herbs MontaliN advanced bioactives target both structure and function of natural joint motion to help balance out joint stressors, daily wear and tear, and the "overworking" of an active lifestyle so even morning stiffness goes unnoticed. ... (více v detailu)
Knihy v angličtině - vesmír, pohádky, jiné naučné,...
Před 1 dny - Olomoucký kraj - BAZOS
Prodám krásné knihy v anglickém jazyce, super stav: China - spousta obrázků i zajímavého čtení o Číně, 75Kč. The 39 clues, The Black Book of Buried Secrets - hard cover, jako nová, 150Kč. Onion John - odtržená vnitřní strana obalu na přední straně, jinak moc pěkná, cena 40Kč. Dog Tags - jako nová, 55Kč. Everything You Need to Ace, English Language Arts in One Big Fat Notebook - top stav, 210Kč. Horrid Henry's Monster Movie - top stav, 75Kč. The Emperor Who Built the Great... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj
Před 10 dny - HYPERINZERCE
I fell victim to an investment scam, losing a significant portion of my life savings. I invested over $500,000 in what appeared to be a legitimate opportunity. However, after making my deposit, I was unable to access my funds. My account was locked, and I was told to pay an additional fee to regain access. I was devastated, but I didn't give up. A coworker recommended BLOCKCHAIN CYBER RETRIEVE, who helped him recover his investment. I contacted them, and they we... (více v detailu)
1 000
Garáž k pronájmu Praha Pankrác
Před 12 dny - Hlavní město Praha - BAZOS
Nabízím parkovací místo v uzamykatelné kóji v garážovém domě Autopark na ul. Milevská 922/2, Praha 4 Pankrác. Vjezd a přístup do budovy na čip, výtah v budově, samostatný vchod pro pěší, střeženo kamerovým systémem. Přímo před budovou zastávka autobusu 134 a 188. Velikost místa: výška 195 cm, šířka cca 210 cm. Garáž se nachází naproti Centrálnímu parku na Pankráci, v docházkové vzdálenosti České televize a mnoha administrativních budov oblasti Pankráce. Ideální pro dlouhodobé parkování, ale také pro zaměstnance z okolních kancelářských budov, nebo dojíždějící do Prahy. Cena 1.600 Kč/měsíc. Parking space for rent. Offer of parking place in a lockable cubicle in the garage house Autopark on ul. Milevská 922/2, Prague 4 Pankrác. Chip entry and access to the building, elevator in the building, separate pedestrian entra... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
1 608
Před 44 dny - HYPERINZERCE
INFO ABOUT THE COMPANY WhatsApp:+1 (971) 4 8 7 - 3 5 3 8 Email: spartantech (@) c y b e r s e r v i c e s . c o m Telegram:+1 (581) 2 8 6 - 8 0 9 2 I never fathomed that fraud could infiltrate even the most secure aspects of life. I had always been careful with my investments and believed that entrusting my wealth to an investment platform, where I controlled the keys and seed phrase, was a secure option. It was a decision I thought would lead to prosperity, especially with the constant assurances I received from the platform that my wealth would flourish. At first, everything seemed legitimate. The platform boasted of a proven track record and glowing testimonials, and I felt secure in my decision. However, within a few months, I was shocked to discover that a significant portion of my funds—approximately $885,000—had vanished. The platform had become increasingly difficult to contact, and there was no explanation for why I was unable to withdraw any ... (více v detailu)
5 000
""Reliable" 9643077921 call girl in Nizammuddin delhi "Trust
Před 57 dny - HYPERINZERCE
""Reliable" 9643077921 call girl in Nizammuddin delhi "Trusted by Sophisticated Clients" "100% Confidential and Secure""Trusted by Sophisticated Clients" Call Girls in Gurgaon,delhi,noida,dwarka 9643077921 Bookings Open Now!: Looking for premium compani Sector-64 on ship services in Gurgaon Sector-40? We offer the finest selection of escorts, providing an unforgettable experience tailored to your desires. 💵 Service Details: Short Time Service: Starting from ₹2000 Full Night Service: Starting from ₹7000 Massage Services Dating & Club Parties: Enjoy a sophisticated evening with our top-class escorts. 📞 Call Now: {96430-77921} to book your exclusive experience today. Escort Profiles Available: Choose from a variety of profiles to match your preferences: Housewives Indian Girls College Girls Air Hostesses High-Profile Models Massage Experts Russian Escorts Punjabi, Bengali, Nepali,... (více v detailu)
7 000
Před 65 dny - HYPERINZERCE
Featuring a surprisingly useful level of drive torque from the 2.1 kW 48v drivetrain, thoughtfully combined with a very sensible throttle calibration, you can rest easy in the knowledge safety and fun have been considered in equal measures. Soft start pull away, reverse, multiple driving modes (adult controlled) and enough juice to keep you riding spiritedly for several hours. The E-Bull is guaranteed to impress and is versatile enough to take your child’s riding from basic to pro. For those who fear lithium batteries, the E-Bull uses high density deep cycle Lead acid battery technology. Finally, a grown-up motorized quad bike that doesn’t break the bank or leave you studying YouTube on how to diagnose problems! Virtually silent (no angry neighbors), no mess, plug and play, the future ... (více v detailu)
25 000
Arelson Group
Před 73 dny - HYPERINZERCE
On the eve of the Christmas and New Year holidays, Arelson Group offers flexible online loans according to your needs. Whether you are an individual or a professional, we guarantee you total satisfaction whether you are banned from banking or not, you are looking for credit, in order to please the family this holiday season; Starting your business, paying your bills, paying off your debt, buying your home, buying a car, or any other reason it is possible thanks to... (více v detailu)
Prodej byty 3+kk, 147 m2 - Praha - Staré Město
Před 80 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Prodej byty 3+kk, 147 m2 - Praha - Staré Město.Hledáte bydlení v samém srdci Prahy nebo skvělou investiční příležitost pro krátkodobé pronájmy? Máme pro vás exkluzivní nabídku, která splní vaše očekávání! Ve výhradním zastoupení majitele nabízíme stylový, nově zrekonstruovaný byt 3+kk o rozloze 147 m2 v prestižním projektu Palác Dlouhá. Tento světlý a prostorný byt ve 4. patře historické budovy je ideální volbou jak pro moderní bydlení, tak pro podnikatelské záměry v centru Prahy. Jedinečný interiér vás okouzlí kombinací elegance a funkčnosti – masivní dřevěné podlahy, travertinové obklady, původní štuková výzdoba i špaletová okna s mosaznými kličkami připomínají noblesu staré Prahy. Díky orientaci na jihovýchod budete mít dostatek denního světla po celý den. Byt nabízí: Prostorný obývací pokoj s možností flexibilního uspořádání Dvě oddělené místnosti (ideální jako ložnice, pracovna či pokoj pro hosty), Moderní koupelnu s vanou i sprchovým koutem, Samostatnou toaletu, Technickou míst... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
24 790 000
Před 709 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
KONTAKT : Uhlířová Jana, e-mail: Požadované dovednosti: řešení problémů, analytické myšlení, dobré písemné a verbální komunikační dovednosti, vedení lidí, schopnost řídit vztahy s externími a interními zákazníky, orientace v procesech a znalost kontrolních mechanismů... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Machine Learning Engineer
Před 446 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Grebeňová Kateřina, e-mail: Napln prace - Develop a state-of-the-art data science and ML runtime stack in a multi-cloud environment. - Understand and use computer science fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms, computability and complexity and computer architecture. - Manage the infrastructure and pipelines needed to bring models and code into production. - Demonstrate end-to-end understanding of applications (including, but not limited to, the machine learning algorithms) being created. - Build algorithms based on statistical modelling procedures and build and maintain scalable machine learning solutions in production. - Apply machine learning algori... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
.NET Developer
Před 1053 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE Upřesňující informace: What will you do? As .NET Developer on our team, you will be working on several big initiatives within the business. This role will require communication and interaction with multiple internal and external clients to ensure each module interacts properly with each other. The Developer will also troubleshoot issues and develop new enhancements to achieve targeted results. Your responsibilities will include: o Design of the enterprise solution according to the business client's requirements o Solution is mainly focusing on development and integration using the Microsoft Azure and .NET framework o Responsible for low level design o Development of enterprise solutions according to the functional and technical leader's specification. o Continuous optimization of developed solutions o Technical specification writing o Communication with the business requirements owners Project requirements o At least 2-3 years programming experience in... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Programátoři počítačových aplikací specialisté
Před 1033 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
nutné podmínky: komunikativní angličtina, znalost Java Script, HTML a CSS (min. 1 rok zkušeností) must have: English language, knowle... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior DevOps Engineer
Před 899 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
5+ years' experience applying relevant technical skills within a cloud environment, or on a cloud-based product, including Unix/Windows administration. A proven record for delivering high-quality, large-scale solutions Working knowledge of and hands-on experience with: Container technologies: Docker and Kubernetes, container regi... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Cloud Managed Services Engineer - L2 support
Před 293 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Šárka Grohová, tel.: 774717273, e-mail: Job description: Proactively monitor and take corrective actions for the hosted environment. Help customers to solve reported product and network problems of varied complexity. Work with engineering team to replicate customer issues and test possible fixes. Replicate customer issues in the lab environment. Setting up infrastructure. Escalate tickets to L3 when necessary. Work on problems of diverse scope across all solutions from Versa. Manage the incident/ticket lifecycle. Requirements: At least 3 years of hands-on experience managing routing and switching infrastructure. Proficiency in basic routing/switching skills, with CCNA/CCNP certification or equivalent experience, Versa certification is highl... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Specialist GBS P2P SMO,,– Specialista finančního controllingu
Před 226 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: Processing invoices according to the internal procedure and country requirements - Verifying financial data for use in mantaining accounts payable records and providing other clerical support necessary to pay the obligations of the organization - Assemble... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
English speaking teacher
Před 458 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Vodrážková Miroslava, e-mail: We are looking for an English-speaking colleague for a private accredited nursery school in Prague 8 for... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
MS Engineer (L2)
Před 530 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
kontakt: Anna Mazurová, e-mail: MVP: Milevská č.p. 2095/5, Krč, 140 00 Praha 4 Požadavky: Zkušenost s technickým supportem (sítě/servery), orientace na zákazníka, aktivní znalost Angličtiny a Němčiny. Ochota pracovat na směny 24/7. Level 2 support with the main focus on Networking technologies, resolving incidents Monitoring of the ticketing system and ticket handling to achieve and exceed SLA/OLA Advance trouble shooting supporting Networking Technologies Knowledge transfer to L1 engineers. Assisting Level 1 Engineering teams with escalation support. zaměstnanecké ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Developer
Před 537 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you will bring to Aevi... o Must have: o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Product Manager for B2B software platforms integrations
Před 446 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontaktovat mail Hledáme do našeho tímu dynamickou osobu pro pozici Product Manager for B2B software platforms integrations, který by se připojil k našemu výjimečnému týmu a stál v čele vývoje a údržby projektů na českém trhu i mimo něj. Tato role je přizpůsobena jednotlivcům s inženýrským vzděláním a dovednosti, kteří chtějí směrovat svou kariéru v odvětví iGamingu, se zvláštním důrazem na převedení vize, cílů a obchodní trajektorie našich produktů do hmatatelné reality. Skutečná vášeň pro hry je předpokladem úspěchu v této roli. Mezi vaše povinnosti bude patřit: • Stanovení vize, cílů a obchodní trajektorie našich produktů • Efektivní dohled nad celým životním cyklem projektu, zajištění dodání projektů od zahájení až po nasazení. To zahrnuje řízení jedné velké iniciativy a/nebo více menších současně. • Efektivní řízení harmonogramů, organizování schůzek s různými týmy (obchod/vývoj/údržba atd.). • Spolupráce s mezifunkčními týmy na úkolech souvisejících s projekte... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Customer Service Representative (German and English)
Před 195 dny - ANNONCE
English: " Follow established processes to reduce customer effort in scenarios like callbacks, holds, and disconnects; analyze data to resolve issues. " Initiate customer contact for complete resolution, assist with technology for future interactions, and follow up until issues are resolved. " Communicate effectively across multiple channels, manage multiple tasks, and make trade-offs under pressure. " Categorize cases for analysis, suggest process improvements, and propose solutions to prevent future issues. " Maintain detailed documentation and customer information, anticipate customer needs, and exceed expectations by identifying root causes and providing solutions. " Promote self-service tools and recommend products that enhance customer experience; build product knowledge and customer relationships. " Requires 6-12 months of customer service experience, fluency in English and German, an associate's degree or related experience, and knowledge of case management software and Microso... (více v detailu)
Další nabídky najdete zde: Brigády a ostatní práce