DevOps Engineer

Před 699 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: Mgr. Milan Schagerer, Upřesňující informace: Hledáme zaměstnance na pozici DevOps Engineer. Popis pozice: hledáme někoho, kdo bude mít okamžitý vliv na budování naší backendové infrastruktury a nastavení cloudu pro podporu hyper-růstu našeho podnikání; práce na nejzajímavějších projektech a startupech po celém světě; někdy jich je hodně najednou; jedná se o pozici, kterou lze vykonávat vzdáleně odkudkoli; veškerá komunikace a výstupy musí být zasílány v angličtině. Zodpovědnosti na této pozici: Neustále vylepšovat naši současnou infrastrukturu a udržovat ji; pomáhat automatizovat vše tak, aby se vývojáři nemuseli starat o infrastrukturu - spolupracujeme se všemi hlavními poskytovateli, AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean a dalšími; plánovat změny ve struktuře a výstavbě rychle rostoucích projektů, aby infrastruktura dokázala držet krok s poptávkou; zkoumat a implementovat špičkové serverové, deploymentové, CI/CD a hostingové technologie; implementovat big ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha

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This is no joke! I can still remember the sinking sensation that occurred when a little careless error flipped my financial fate upside down. I was changing phones and accidentally deleted my Bitcoin wallet app. Immediately, I was locked out of my account, and adding insult to injury was the fact that I promptly realized that my backup files were corrupted and useless. I had labored for years to amass an $80,000 investment, money that represented not just cash but hope, security, and the promise of better things to come. The thought that I might lose it all was crippling. Website: https: // rapiddigitalrecovery. org In those agonizing moments, desperation set in as I searched frantically for any means to reclaim what I had labored for. My mind reeled with worry and uncertainty, each ticking second an eternity. That's when I discovered Rapid Digital Recovery. Their track record of excellence and integrity was outstanding, and with nothing to lose, I reached out to them. Whatsapp: +1... (více v detailu)
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Montalin Capsules In Pakistan , 0309]9400446
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Montalin Capsules In Pakistan ` 0309=9400446
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1. Provide samples for testing; 2.High-quality products; 3. 100% safe delivery. 4. Protect your funds and reduce risks Payment methods: TT, WU, MG, BTC, USDT, bank transfer Delivery: EMS/EUB/USPS/UPS/TNT/FEDEX/DHL etc. Packaging: Safe and discreet packaging Advantages of our company 1. Best service, high quality, reasonable price 2. Customers have the rig... (více v detailu)
Vehicle Recycling Scrap Cars, Fahrzeugrecycling
Před 2 dny - Hlavní město Praha - SBAZAR
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Hlavní město Praha
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Delivery time: We'll ship the 5cladba goods within 48 hours. Purity: It's like 99.99 percent. We can give you samples of 5cladba, and you can test it however you want. The quality won't let you down. We promise 100 percent safe shipping, and all the customs clearance is free. It makes sure 100 percent safe delivery! It's the safest and fastest delivery. Hello dear cu... (více v detailu)
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1. Provide samples for testing; 2.High-quality products; 3. 100% safe delivery. 4. Protect your funds and reduce risks Payment methods: TT, WU, MG, BTC, USDT, bank transfer Delivery: EMS/EUB/USPS/UPS/TNT/FEDEX/DHL etc. Packaging: Safe and discreet packaging Advantages of our company 1. Best service, high quality, reasonable price 2. Customers have the rig... (více v detailu)
Hasselblad Flextight X1 Scanner
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Body Buildo Capsule In Lahore , 0309]9400446
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Body Buildo Capsule In Islamabad , 0309]9400446
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Body Buildo Capsule In Islamabad ! 0309&9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan is presently just given by Al Barni. Which is exceedingly requested among the each individual in light of the fact that the individual who have zero physical wellbeing he isn’t looking great with the goal ... (více v detailu)
Body Buildo Capsule In Lahore ! 0309&9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan is presently just given by Al Barni. Which is exceedingly requested among the each individual in light of the fact that the individual who have zero physical wellbeing he isn’t looking great with the goal ... (více v detailu)
Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan ! 0309&9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan Body Buildo Capsule In Pakistan is presently just given by Al Barni. Which is exceedingly requested among the each individual in light of the fact that the individual who have zero physical wellbeing he isn’t looking great with the goal ... (více v detailu)
Mimaki TXF150-75 DTF printer
TxF150-75 is a reliable, high-quality printer incorporating Mimaki's technologies based on "safety and stability.” The DTF printer is designed to focus on stable quality, including functions to prevent "ink ejection failure" and "white ink clogging," which have been significant issues for DTF printers. New Printer Machines, Inkjet Printer and Photo Printer Laser WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, is one of big leading developer ,distributor,manufacture Printer Machines Technology, Inkjet Printer and Photo Printer Laser. The consistently utmost quality of our products are based on advanced Americ... (více v detailu)
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Bay blanket colt Atlas
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Management / Griffin Ricky W.
Před 2 dny - Moravskoslezský kraj - SBAZAR
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Moravskoslezský kraj
1 890
Papaya Breast Enlarging Cream In Islamabad , 0309]9400446
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Papaya Breast Enlarging Cream In Lahore , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes - HYPERINZERCE
Papaya Breast Enlarging Cream in Pakistan his is Papaya Breast Enlarging Cream in Pakistan Two famous foods rumored to increase a woman’s breast size. According to science, papaya and milk are foods that are rich in estrogen, aiding those who suffer from hormonal imbalan... (více v detailu)
Alfa Romeo 1900 CSS
Před 1 dny - RAJ_VETERANU
Rok výroby: 1955 • Najeto: 94 474 Km • Výkon: 1 kW (1 PS) • Karoserie: Kupé • Barva: grigio argento metallizzato • Výbava: . Intern code: RDS01381 / Price in EUR. We offer logistics and home delivery service. The Alfa Romeo 1900 CSS (Passo Corto Super Sprint) is a family car made to race and win. The 1951 version, with a shorter wheelbase, was funnier to drive and more reactive. In 1955, thanks to the huge success, Alfa Romeo wanted to improve the engine making a 1.975 ... (více v detailu)
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Islamabad ! 0309&9400446
Přidáno včera - HYPERINZERCE
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you mo... (více v detailu)
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