Senior IT Support Engineer
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This is no joke! I can still remember the sinking sensation that occurred when a little careless error flipped my financial fate upside down. I was changing phones and accidentally deleted my Bitcoin wallet app. Immediately, I was locked out of my account, and adding insult to injury was the fact that I promptly realized that my backup files were corrupted and useless. I had labored for years to amass an $80,000 investment, money that represented not just cash but hope, security, and the promise of better things to come. The thought that I might lose it all was crippling.
Website: https: // rapiddigitalrecovery. org
In those agonizing moments, desperation set in as I searched frantically for any means to reclaim what I had labored for. My mind reeled with worry and uncertainty, each ticking second an eternity. That's when I discovered Rapid Digital Recovery. Their track record of excellence and integrity was outstanding, and with nothing to lose, I reached out to them.
Whatsapp: +1... (více v detailu)

Management / Griffin Ricky W.
Před 2 dny
- Moravskoslezský kraj - SBAZAR
Výborný stav Doprava: Balíkovna 75 Kč Popis knihy Master the process of management with the skills-based, functional approach in Griffin s MANAGEMENT, 13E. Timely content focuses on active planning, leading, organizing and controlling as you examine emerging management topics. New discussions explore the impact of technology, the importance of a green business environment, the need to adapt in changing times, ethical challenges and the role of diversity. This is one of the first ma... (více v detailu)
Moravskoslezský kraj
1 890

VIP Vital Honey In Islamabad ` 0309=9400446
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VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

VIP Vital Honey In Islamabad ` 0309=9400446
Přidáno dnes
VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

VIP Vital Honey In Lahore ` 0309=9400446
Přidáno dnes
VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan ` 0309=9400446
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VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

VIP Vital Honey In Islamabad ! 0309&9400446
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VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

VIP Vital Honey In Lahore ! 0309&9400446
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VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan ! 0309&9400446
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VIP Vital Honey In Pakistan | 0309-9400446
VIP Vital Honey is a product marketed as a enhancement supplement for men. It is made with honey, royal jelly, ginseng, and other herbs. The product is claimed to increase energy levels, improve performance, and boost testosterone level... (více v detailu)

Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Lahore , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan
Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you more appealing.
Health Benefits
1. It expands the cellular s... (více v detailu)

Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Islamabad , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan
Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you more appealing.
Health Benefits
1. It expands the cellular s... (více v detailu)

Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan
Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you more appealing.
Health Benefits
1. It expands the cellular s... (více v detailu)

Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Lahore ` 0309=9400446
Přidáno dnes
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan
Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you more appealing.
Health Benefits
1. It expands the cellular substructure of the female breast.
2. Increase breast size to one Cup size, developing a ne... (více v detailu)

Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Islamabad ! 0309&9400446
Přidáno včera
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan
Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you mo... (více v detailu)

Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan ! 0309&9400446
Přidáno včera
Bio Beauty Breast Cream in Pakistan
Increase your breast size without any surgery and Feel 100% confident with Original BIO BEAUTY BREAST CREAM Because this cream is a unique formulation to make your breast firmer, tighter, and enlarged, more curved in appearance to make you mo... (více v detailu)

IT administrátor/administrátorka
Přidáno včera
Glazura s.r.o. založena v roce 1925 se sídlem v Roudnici nad Labem je součástí nadnárodní skupiny Torrecid Group, která se zabývá poskytováním produktů, služeb, komplexních řešení a budoucích trendů v keramickém, sklářském a hutním průmyslu. Tato skupina má pobočky v 29 zemích po celém světě se zákazníky ve více než 130 zemích světa. Hledáme spolehlivého, komunikativního kolegu/yni, který/á doplní náš tým na IT oddělení. Jste schopen/na samostatné práce a láká Vás možnost rozvíjet se v prostřední mezinárodní společnosti? Pak máme pracovní příležitost právě pro Vás! Náplň práce: " Správa koncových stanic (Win XP, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10, Win 11) " Správa serverů (Win server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 a Linux) " Správa stolních a mobilních telefonů " Správa zabezpečení (Eset, Fortigate) " Správa ERP systému (ROSS) " Správa SW a HW (nákup, evidence a údržba) " Správa monitoringu (Zabbix) " Správa log manageru (IBM Qradar) " Správa zálohování (Veeam) " Správa tiskáren " Správa síťových prvků (swi... (více v detailu)

Hasselblad Flextight X1 Scanner
Před 1 dny
The Hasselblad Flextight X1 Drum Scanner is designed to serve most photographers and offers unsurpassed quality, fast scanning, and multiple format capacity. It is easy to use, and is built with a vertical optical system to allow the CCD to face downwards, creating a glass-free optical path between the original and the lens.
New Digital Camera And Camera lens
WWW.LATIEF-ALHAKIM.COM, We specialize in exporting brand New Digital Camera And Camera lens to any country o... (více v detailu)
166 895

Associate Software Engineer
Před 3 dny
První kontakt e-mailem. Znalost ruštiny na úrovni rodilého mluvčího. Souhlas zaměstnavatele se zaměstnaneckou kartou.... (více v detailu)

Opravy mobilů a PC
Před 1 dny
- Olomoucký kraj - BAZOS
Nabízím opravy všech typů mobilních telefonů a tabletů. Opravuji také PC a notebooky. Zabývám se i sestavováním nových PC sestav a upgrade starších sestav.
- Výměnu displeje/dotykové plochy
- Výměnu baterie
- Výměnu rámu (housing)/kryt baterie/záda te... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj

Dragon Condom In Islamabad , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes
Dragon Condom In Pakistan
If You Are Looking For Imported Silicone Condom Prices In Pakistan Silicone Condom Price In Pakistan Is The Best Online Store For You. From Here You Can Order Top-quality Silicone Condoms From Amazon, And ... (více v detailu)

Dragon Condom In Lahore , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes
Dragon Condom In Pakistan
If You Are Looking For Imported Silicone Condom Prices In Pakistan Silicone Condom Price In Pakistan Is The Best Online Store For You. From Here You Can Order Top-quality Silicone Condoms From Amazon, And ... (více v detailu)

Dragon Condom In Pakistan , 0309]9400446
Přidáno dnes
Dragon Condom In Pakistan
If You Are Looking For Imported Silicone Condom Prices In Pakistan Silicone Condom Price In Pakistan Is The Best Online Store For You. From Here You Can Order Top-quality Silicone Condoms From Amazon, And ... (více v detailu)

J. Bradshaw: Championing Your Inner Child (DVD)
Před 2 dny
- Olomoucký kraj - SBAZAR
DVD Seminar. Bradshaw On: Homecoming Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child (DVD 10 Hour Intensive Workshop).Healing your childhood - inner self. Puv.cena, přes 4000 Kč. Part One: The Problem Of The Wounded Inner Child How A Dysfunctional Family Systems Part Two: Original Pain +Reconnecting With Emotional Pain And The Fear Of Abandonment Part Three: Reclaiming Your Infant Self Part Four: Re... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj
3 490

Prodavač - prodavačka na IT prodejnu
Před 3 dny
Prodavač/prodavačka na IT prodejnu ve Dvoře Králové nad Labem Nutná znalost sortimentu tiskáren a PC Pracovní doba 8 hodin, pondělí - pátek od 140,- Kč Životopisy zasílejte na e-mail: azorella@azorel... (více v detailu)

Mini UPS Battery Backup 5V 1,5A 2-5 Ah, bez zdroje
Před 2 dny
- Jihomoravský kraj - BAZOS
Záložní baterie Mini UPS 5V
Nepřerušitelný zdroj napájení
Vestavěná baterie UPS
pro záložní napájecí adaptér bezpečnostní kamery
bez zdroje, jako zdroj lze použít jakoukoliv nabíječku s USB
Mini UPS Battery Backup 5V Uninterruptible Power Supply Built-in UPS Battery for Security Camera Backup Power Adapter
Features: brand new and high quality
Input Voltage: 220V
Output Power: 5V 1.5A,Suitable for all 5V devices.
Scope of application: camera, BT headset, small fan, speaker, bracelet.
The battery life can support 8-10 hours afte... (více v detailu)
Jihomoravský kraj
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