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Lejam 60 Mg - 4 Tablets - Online Buy - Free Delivery In Pakistan | 0302-5023431 | Call Now Lejam Tablets are an advanced health supplement designed to promote overall wellness and vitality. Packed with natural ingredients, these tablets are formulated to help boost energy, enhance immunity, and improve your overall quality of life. Whether you’re looking to support your immune system, fight fatigue, or maintain a balanced lifestyle, Lejam Tablets offer a holistic approach to better health. Key Features: Powerful Natural Ingredients: Made with a blend of herbs,
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Plzeňský kraj
Před 11 dny - Hlavní město Praha - BAZOS
Nový nepoužitý dostal jsem jako dárek [Android OS Support]--M10K PRO can be compatible with Android OS 6.0 or later. Connect the tablet to your mobile Android phone/tablet with OTG adapter, then we can start art creation freely. [Battery-free Stylus AP32]--Passive stylus AP32 with 8192 levels pressure sensitivities and 266 PPS report rate, which makes you freely output your inspiration immediately. Providing you accurate and smoothly drawing experience. [Tilt Function Support]--Tilt sensitivity makes a digital stylus to draw as natural as a normal pencil. With this function, when you use the pen on a slant angle it changes the behavior of the strokes from a normal line to shaded ones – just like in a normal pencil. It is suitable for sketching, shading as well as creating stylized paintings. [Radial Controller &10 Shortcut Keys]-- The touch ring equipped on M10K PRO fa... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
.NET Developer
Před 1082 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:martin.blaho@cgi.com Upřesňující informace: What will you do? As .NET Developer on our team, you will be working on several big initiatives within the business. This role will require communication and interaction with multiple internal and external clients to ensure each module interacts properly with each other. The Developer will also troubleshoot issues and develop new enhancements to achieve targeted results. Your responsibilities will include: o Design of the enterprise solution according to the business client's requirements o Solution is mainly focusing on development and integration using the Microsoft Azure and .NET framework o Responsible for low level design o Development of enterprise solutions according to the functional and technical leader's specification. o Continuous optimization of developed solutions o Technical specification writing o Communication with the business requirements owners Project requirements o At least 2-3 years programming experience in... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Fullstack Developer
Před 294 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
PRVOTNĚ E-MAILEM - Mgr. Milan Schagerer, tel.: +420 605 839 977, e-mail: schagerer@akschagerer.cz Hledáme zaměstnance na pozici Fullstack Developer. Popis pozice: vytváření produktů na podporu hyper-růstu naší společnosti; práce na nejzajímavějších projektech a startupech po celém světě - někdy i na několika z nich najednou. Jedná se o pozici, kterou lze vykonávat odkudkoli, veškerá komunikace a výstupy musí být zasílány v angličtině. Odpovědnosti na této pozici: práce na vysoce strukturovaných produktech s HTML5, CSS, JS; tvorba webových stránek a aplikací s responzivním designem; vývoj úžasného backendového kódu na špičkových cloudových platformách; práce s několika platformami s produkčním grandiózním nulovým downtimem, které budou používat miliony našich klientů; rozšiřování znalostí o procesu vývoje softwaru při řešení náročných úkolů; práci s agilními procesy, které jsou přizpůsobeny potřebám týmu a projektu; neustálé zapojování se do našich projektů na úrovni MVP zaměřených na... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Test Analyst
Před 1082 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:martin.blaho@cgi.com Upřesňující informace: Position Description: Test Analyst & Automator - combined role in an international project for one of the largest banks in the world. System Test Team for Online Banking portals located in Czechia; Agile development teams and client in Europe. Communication in English. Your future duties and responsibilities: Rather than "manual" testers and automators, we differentiate checking and testing in our work. We want to use automation tools for checking. Testing, by nature, cannot be automated, as it requires curiosity, ability to learn and observe and critical thinking. Required qualifications to be successful in this role: o Solid experience in testing business systems (both UI and back-end) o Tester mind-set - curiosity, exploratory skills, sense of detail as well as whole o Critical thinking and context awareness o Experience in test automation o Selenium WebDriver and Java for test automation o Element location, synchronisation, page o... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 152 dny - ANNONCE
We are looking for an experienced HR Professional! Do you have excellent communication skills? Do you have at least 2 years of experience in Human Resources, preferably in a manufacturing company? Are you familiar with recruitment techniques and processes? Can you communicate fluently in English? If you are ready to strengthen our HR department, don't hesitate to send us your resume to sevcikova@acjobs.cz Provide support to the HR and Accounting departments, including managing onb... (více v detailu)
Senior Azure Administrator and developer
Před 953 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete se starat o to, aby zákaznická a interní řešení Azure fungovala hladce a s co nejmenšími prostoji. Pomůžete navrhovat, vytvářet, vyvíjet a implementovat nová řešení pro zákazníky v Azure a v úzké spolupráci s naším týmem Microsoft a MS365 také pro hybridní řešení. Budete kontaktní osobou pro náš prodejní tým v oblasti technické podpory. Are you experienced in Azure administration and development? Is Azure your world? Would you like to develop your skills within Azure architecture, design and development? Then come to join our team and become our new colleague. Your responsibilities You will make sure that customers' and internal Azure solutions are running smoothly and with as little down time as possible. You will help design, create, develop, and implement new solutions for customers in Azure and in close corporation with our Microsoft and MS365 team also for hybrid solutions. You will be the go-to person for technical support for our sales team. Manage current tenant for Az... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 431 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Hradecká Magdalena, e-mail: jobs@praguecityuniversity.cz Are you a good communicator who likes to work with people? As an Admissions Specialist you would be responsible for recruiting potential students to Prague City University, and working with and guiding applicants through the admissions process. In addition, as an International Schools Liaison Officer you would be responsible for establishing new and maintaining existing connections with potential academic partners and feeder schools. This role requires the post-holder to have high interpersonal and organisational skills to proactively work within the admissions team and interact in a meaningful way with other members of the university. Overall responsibilities include: " recruiting new, progressing and returning students " working with the communications & marketing team to support current marketing strategy " contributing to the analysis, setting and realization of targets on a programme-by-programme basis " working to rec... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
.NET Developer
Kontakt: e-mailem martin.blaho@cgi.com What will you do? (Co budete dělat?) As .NET Developer on our team, you will be working on several big initiatives within the business. This role will require communication and interaction with multiple internal and external clients to ensure each module interacts properly with each other. The Developer will also troubleshoot issues and develop new enhancements to achieve targeted results. Your responsibilities will include (jako vývojář .NET v našem týmu budete pracovat na několika velkých iniciativách v rámci podnikání. Tato role bude vyžadovat komunikaci a interakci s více interními a externími klienty, aby bylo zajištěno, že každý modul bude správně vzájemně komunikovat. Vývojář bude také řešit problémy a vyvíjet nová vylepšení, aby dosáhl cílených výsledků. Vaše povinnosti budou zahrnovat) : o Design of the enterprise solution according to the business client's requirements (o Návrh podnikového řešení dle požadavků obchodního klienta) o S... (více v detailu)
Microsoft Administrator
Před 741 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: marys@itm8.com Vaší rolí bude správa a údržba produktů Microsoft Windows Server. Budete zodpovědní za poskytování, konfiguraci, provoz, údržbu a příležitostné opravy systémů. Zajistíte, aby operační systém, softwarové systémy a související postupy byly v souladu s interními a externími standardy a požadavky na zabezpečení. Come join our growing team in Prague! Colleagues in the Microsoft team are looking for a new team member who will help them with administration of Windows servers for all our customers. About the position Your role will be to manage and maintain Microsoft Windows Server products. You will be responsible for provisioning, configuration, operation, maintenance, and occasional patching of systems. You will ensure that operating system, software systems, and related procedures comply with internal and external standards and security requirements. " Fix Microsoft servers issues and ensure they run optimally " Automation - participate on continuous improv... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
DevOps Engineer
Před 717 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: Mgr. Milan Schagerer, schagerer@akschagerer.cz Upřesňující informace: Hledáme zaměstnance na pozici DevOps Engineer. Popis pozice: hledáme někoho, kdo bude mít okamžitý vliv na budování naší backendové infrastruktury a nastavení cloudu pro podporu hyper-růstu našeho podnikání; práce na nejzajímavějších projektech a startupech po celém světě; někdy jich je hodně najednou; jedná se o pozici, kterou lze vykonávat vzdáleně odkudkoli; veškerá komunikace a výstupy musí být zasílány v angličtině. Zodpovědnosti na této pozici: Neustále vylepšovat naši současnou infrastrukturu a udržovat ji; pomáhat automatizovat vše tak, aby se vývojáři nemuseli starat o infrastrukturu - spolupracujeme se všemi hlavními poskytovateli, AWS, GCP, Azure, Digital Ocean a dalšími; plánovat změny ve struktuře a výstavbě rychle rostoucích projektů, aby infrastruktura dokázala držet krok s poptávkou; zkoumat a implementovat špičkové serverové, deploymentové, CI/CD a hostingové technologie; implementovat big ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Technical Support Engineer
Před 232 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
For our client, who specializes in news production systems, we are seeking a new colleague for the position of Technical Support Engineer. Job description: Provide Expert Technical Support: Deliver high-level technical support to broadcasters globally, System Installation & Training: Install new systems and train journalists and IT staff at TV stations around the world, 24/7 Communication: Manage communications via email and telephone hotline, including 24/7 support shifts, Remote Troubleshooting: Solve advanced technical problems remotely, ensuring smooth operations for our clients, Document & Report: Maintain detailed documentation of support cases and report bugs for continuous improvement. Requirements: We are looking for individuals who excel in: Clear Communication: Excellent spoken and written English skills, Technical Expertise: Advanced knowledge of Windows and Mac OS desktop operating systems, as well as server operating systems with a strong focus on Linux, Flexibility: ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Cloud Managed Services Engineer - L2 Support
Před 356 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
We are seeking a suitable candidate for the position of Cloud Managed Services Engineer – L2 Support at a company providing global ICT services. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of a new international project. The role is pivotal in providing end-to-end management and technical support for the hosted environment on the Versa platform, addressing diverse and complex networking challenges reported by global customers. Your Responsibilities: Proactively monitor and take corrective action for the hosted environment., Assist customers in solving reported product and network problems of varied complexity., Collaborate with the engineering team to replicate customer issues and test potential fixes., Replicate customer issues in a lab environment., Set up infrastructure as required., Escalate tickets to L3 when necessary., Address problems of diverse scope across all solutions from Versa., Manage the incident/ticket lifecycle efficiently.. The Requirements: A minimum of 3 years of... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Automation Developer
Před 1063 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:marys@itm8.com Upřesňující informace: Budete spolupracovat s různými týmy v naší společnosti, kde je potřeba pomoc s automatizací a optimalizací (např. infrastruktura, fakturace, správa uživatelů). Budete pracovat s různými procesy a částmi IT infrastruktury - např. nastavení zálohování, nastavení virtuálních strojů, automatizace sběru dat. Zaměříte se na psaní nového kódu a optimalizaci stávajících automatizací. About the position You will collaborate with different teams in our company where we need help with automation and optimization (e.g., infrastructure, invoicing, user management). You will work with various processes and parts of IT infrastructure - e.g., setting up backup, setting up virtual machines, automating data collection. Your focus will be on writing new code and optimizing existing automations; maintenance won't take up much of your time. " Write automations for manual work processes " Web scraping and automation using APIs " Debug on existing automations if... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Demand Planner Export & License EMEA APAC
Před 741 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:email:zuzana.sabolova@molsoncoors.com Upřesňující informace: Ochota cestovat v rámci pracovních povinností alespoň 15% pracovního času. Demand Planner, Export and License EMEA & APAC Your Purpose The role is crucial in E&L Supply chain for Forecasting and other related processes both internally and externally with contract manufacturing partners. Moreover, for Supply chain planning making sure that processes are set up and followed regularly per contracts/agreements, network Sourcing optimization and planning which includes optimization of several sourcing locations and alignment on best route from total landed cost perspective across EMEA & APAC geographies. You will be also accountable for the planning aspects of packaging and product development, new stock keeping units (SKUs), CAPEX planning and CAR preparation and execution as well as the identification and delivery of Value Optimization Process projects for Export & Licence. Some key responsibilities will include also: ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Java Developer
Před 741 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: monika.zemkova@aevi.com What you'll be doing: Senior Java Developer o To be a first-line motivational coder o To propose, defend and implement the best design patterns o To mentor other team members o To write a clean, reusable high-quality code within a microservices infrastructure The successful AEVI'ator: Senior Java Developer o 5+ Strong knowledge of Java / Kotlin programming language o Code architecture skills o Spring Boot experience o Detail-oriented, but not forget to look at the big picture as well o AWS experience ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 431 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Hradecká Magdalena, e-mail: jobs@praguecityuniversity.cz Are you a good communicator who likes to work with people? As an Admissions Specialist you would be responsible for recruiting potential students to Prague City University, and working with and guiding applicants through the admissions process. In addition, as an International Schools Liaison Officer you would be responsible for establishing new and maintaining existing connections with potential academic partners and feeder schools. This role requires the post-holder to have high interpersonal and organisational skills to proactively work within the admissions team and interact in a meaningful way with other members of the university. Overall responsibilities include: " recruiting new, progressing and returning students " working with the communications & marketing team to support current marketing strategy " contributing to the analysis, setting and realization of targets on a programme-by-programme basis " working to rec... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Sales assistant
Před 383 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
For our client, a company that is a global provider of educational materials for teaching renewable energy sources and aims to cover all levels of education, from elementary schools to universities, we are seeking a suitable candidate for the position of Sales Assistant. Responsibilities: Incoming Lead Response: Provide comprehensive and timely responses to incoming sales leads., Meeting Documentation: Attend all relevant meetings, accurately record minutes, and track action points for follow-up and completion., Desk Research: Perform in-depth desk research to support sales strategies, including identification of potential leads and analysis of market trends., Database Management: Develop and maintain a comprehensive database of potential customers and key contacts., Grant Applications: Assist in the preparation and submission of grant applications, ensuring compliance with all requirements and adherence to submission deadlines., Sales Material Preparation: Assist in the creation of ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Další nabídky najdete zde: Brigády a ostatní práce