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.NET Developer
Před 1089 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE Upřesňující informace: What will you do? As .NET Developer on our team, you will be working on several big initiatives within the business. This role will require communication and interaction with multiple internal and external clients to ensure each module interacts properly with each other. The Developer will also troubleshoot issues and develop new enhancements to achieve targeted results. Your responsibilities will include: o Design of the enterprise solution according to the business client's requirements o Solution is mainly focusing on development and integration using the Microsoft Azure and .NET framework o Responsible for low level design o Development of enterprise solutions according to the functional and technical leader's specification. o Continuous optimization of developed solutions o Technical specification writing o Communication with the business requirements owners Project requirements o At least 2-3 years programming experience in... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Customer Service Representative (German and English)
Před 231 dny - ANNONCE
English: " Follow established processes to reduce customer effort in scenarios like callbacks, holds, and disconnects; analyze data to resolve issues. " Initiate customer contact for complete resolution, assist with technology for future interactions, and follow up until issues are resolved. " Communicate effectively across multiple channels, manage multiple tasks, and make trade-offs under pressure. " Categorize cases for analysis, suggest process improvements, and propose solutions to prevent future issues. " Maintain detailed documentation and customer information, anticipate customer needs, and exceed expectations by identifying root causes and providing solutions. " Promote self-service tools and recommend products that enhance customer experience; build product knowledge and customer relationships. " Requires 6-12 months of customer service experience, fluency in English and German, an associate's degree or related experience, and knowledge of case management software and Microso... (více v detailu)
.NET Developer
Kontakt: e-mailem What will you do? (Co budete dělat?) As .NET Developer on our team, you will be working on several big initiatives within the business. This role will require communication and interaction with multiple internal and external clients to ensure each module interacts properly with each other. The Developer will also troubleshoot issues and develop new enhancements to achieve targeted results. Your responsibilities will include (jako vývojář .NET v našem týmu budete pracovat na několika velkých iniciativách v rámci podnikání. Tato role bude vyžadovat komunikaci a interakci s více interními a externími klienty, aby bylo zajištěno, že každý modul bude správně vzájemně komunikovat. Vývojář bude také řešit problémy a vyvíjet nová vylepšení, aby dosáhl cílených výsledků. Vaše povinnosti budou zahrnovat) : o Design of the enterprise solution according to the business client's requirements (o Návrh podnikového řešení dle požadavků obchodního klienta) o S... (více v detailu)
Microsoft Administrator
Před 748 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: Vaší rolí bude správa a údržba produktů Microsoft Windows Server. Budete zodpovědní za poskytování, konfiguraci, provoz, údržbu a příležitostné opravy systémů. Zajistíte, aby operační systém, softwarové systémy a související postupy byly v souladu s interními a externími standardy a požadavky na zabezpečení. Come join our growing team in Prague! Colleagues in the Microsoft team are looking for a new team member who will help them with administration of Windows servers for all our customers. About the position Your role will be to manage and maintain Microsoft Windows Server products. You will be responsible for provisioning, configuration, operation, maintenance, and occasional patching of systems. You will ensure that operating system, software systems, and related procedures comply with internal and external standards and security requirements. " Fix Microsoft servers issues and ensure they run optimally " Automation - participate on continuous improv... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Automation Developer
Před 1070 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE Upřesňující informace: Budete spolupracovat s různými týmy v naší společnosti, kde je potřeba pomoc s automatizací a optimalizací (např. infrastruktura, fakturace, správa uživatelů). Budete pracovat s různými procesy a částmi IT infrastruktury - např. nastavení zálohování, nastavení virtuálních strojů, automatizace sběru dat. Zaměříte se na psaní nového kódu a optimalizaci stávajících automatizací. About the position You will collaborate with different teams in our company where we need help with automation and optimization (e.g., infrastructure, invoicing, user management). You will work with various processes and parts of IT infrastructure - e.g., setting up backup, setting up virtual machines, automating data collection. Your focus will be on writing new code and optimizing existing automations; maintenance won't take up much of your time. " Write automations for manual work processes " Web scraping and automation using APIs " Debug on existing automations if... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Sales assistant
Před 390 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
For our client, a company that is a global provider of educational materials for teaching renewable energy sources and aims to cover all levels of education, from elementary schools to universities, we are seeking a suitable candidate for the position of Sales Assistant. Responsibilities: Incoming Lead Response: Provide comprehensive and timely responses to incoming sales leads., Meeting Documentation: Attend all relevant meetings, accurately record minutes, and track action points for follow-up and completion., Desk Research: Perform in-depth desk research to support sales strategies, including identification of potential leads and analysis of market trends., Database Management: Develop and maintain a comprehensive database of potential customers and key contacts., Grant Applications: Assist in the preparation and submission of grant applications, ensuring compliance with all requirements and adherence to submission deadlines., Sales Material Preparation: Assist in the creation of ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Microsoft Administrator
Před 748 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: Vaší rolí bude správa a údržba produktů Microsoft Windows Server. Budete zodpovědní za poskytování, konfiguraci, provoz, údržbu a příležitostné opravy systémů. Zajistíte, aby operační systém, softwarové systémy a související postupy byly v souladu s interními a externími standardy a požadavky na zabezpečení. Come join our growing team in Prague! Colleagues in the Microsoft team are looking for a new team member who will help them with administration of Windows servers for all our customers. About the position Your role will be to manage and maintain Microsoft Windows Server products. You will be responsible for provisioning, configuration, operation, maintenance, and occasional patching of systems. You will ensure that operating system, software systems, and related procedures comply with internal and external standards and security requirements. " Fix Microsoft servers issues and ensure they run optimally " Automation - participate on continuous improv... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Java Developer
Kontakt: e-mailem What will you do? For our customers we deliver IT solutions ranging from large billing systems, CRM, BI to central energy market solutions, mobile workforce management, smart technologies and other. (Co budete dělat? Pro naše zákazníky dodáváme IT řešení od velkých fakturačních systémů, CRM, BI až po řešení centrálního energetického trhu, správu mobilních pracovníků, chytré technologie a další.) To extend our team, we are looking for developer/analyst who will participate on various tasks throughout the project lifecycle (Pro rozšíření našeho týmu hledáme vývojáře/analytika, který se bude podílet na různých úkolech v průběhu celého životního cyklu projektu) : Design and Analysis of technical requirements (Návrh a analýza technických požadavků) Development of modules based on client requirements (Vývoj modulů dle požadavků klienta) System optimization (o Optimalizace systému) Preparation of the technical specification (o Příprava technické speci... (více v detailu)
Specialisté podpory podnikán
Před 330 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Formanová Dominika, e-mail: Pozice: Product Owner Požadavky:to drive ROI and Customer satisfaction of entrusted product. Product owner should be representing what and why should be done with product. Product owner is also responsible for vision of entrusted pr... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Sales Executive
Před 390 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
For our client, a company that is a global provider of educational materials for teaching renewable energy sources and aims to cover all levels of education, from elementary schools to universities, we are seeking a suitable candidate for the position of Sales Executive. Job description: Reseller Identification and Relationship Building: Identify potential resellers and establish relationships to expand our reseller network., Sales Strategy Development: Develop and implement effective sales strategies to drive sales growth in the assigned area or business segment., Sales Targets: Meet and exceed annual sales targets., Sales Forecasting: Provide regular sales forecasts to management, reflecting your sales pipeline., Relationship Management: Maintain and grow relationships with key customers and resellers., Knowledge and Trends: Stay up-to-date with product knowledge, business flow, sales process, and market trends., Networking and Promotion: Attend trade shows, conferences, and networ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Linux Systems Engineer
Před 748 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: Are you skilled and passionate about Linux and like to work with different Linux versions in both private cloud and public cloud? Then join our Linux team and immerse yourself in the world of Linux and other adjecting technologies and help us develop the best services. You will join our Linux Team You will join team of highly skilled colleagues who will be happy to share their knowledge with you. The Linux team is based in both Denmark and Prague but will cooperate as a single team. You will have daily scrum meetings with the team to make sure all are up to date and have the information they need. You will become part of a growing business, that presents a lot of exciting challenges and thus also opportunities to help put your mark on the company together with your colleagues. You will have the opportunity to work with the latest technologies. We will support you in your development and make sure you evolve with the new technologies. What will be you... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Customer Service Representative (German and English)
Před 231 dny - ANNONCE
English: " Follow established processes to reduce customer effort in scenarios like callbacks, holds, and disconnects; analyze data to resolve issues. " Initiate customer contact for complete resolution, assist with technology for future interactions, and follow up until issues are resolved. " Communicate effectively across multiple channels, manage multiple tasks, and make trade-offs under pressure. " Categorize cases for analysis, suggest process improvements, and propose solutions to prevent future issues. " Maintain detailed documentation and customer information, anticipate customer needs, and exceed expectations by identifying root causes and providing solutions. " Promote self-service tools and recommend products that enhance customer experience; build product knowledge and customer relationships. " Requires 6-12 months of customer service experience, fluency in English and German, an associate's degree or related experience, and knowledge of case management software and Microso... (více v detailu)
Operations Technician
Před 749 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Rysková Martina Ing., e-mail: Práce provozního technika obnáší odpovědnost za poskytování provozní podpory na koncových řešeních pro naše zákazníky z Dánska i ze zahraničí v to v rámci služby 24/7 (ranní, odpolední, noční a víkendové směny). About the job As Operations Technician you will be responsible for providing operational support on back-end solutions for our customers from both Denmark and abroad. The Operations Center is a 24/7 department, which is why we are always available for our customers. We provide a fast and professional response, and we solve many of the cases that come in from our customers regularly. We handle technical tasks across platforms and domains, and we are responsible for monitoring and patching our servers. Those cases that require deeper specialist knowledge and longer turnaround times are passed on to our in-house technical teams of experts. Your responsibilities: " resolving technical issues from start to finish, supported by our large... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Operations Technician
Před 749 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Rysková Martina Ing., e-mail: Práce provozního technika obnáší odpovědnost za poskytování provozní podpory na koncových řešeních pro naše zákazníky z Dánska i ze zahraničí v to v rámci služby 24/7 (ranní, odpolední, noční a víkendové směny). About the job As Operations Technician you will be responsible for providing operational support on back-end solutions for our customers from both Denmark and abroad. The Operations Center is a 24/7 department, which is why we are always available for our customers. We provide a fast and professional response, and we solve many of the cases that come in from our customers regularly. We handle technical tasks across platforms and domains, and we are responsible for monitoring and patching our servers. Those cases that require deeper specialist knowledge and longer turnaround times are passed on to our in-house technical teams of experts. Your responsibilities: " resolving technical issues from start to finish, supported by our large... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Specialisté podpory podnikán
Před 330 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Formanová Dominika, e-mail: Pozice: Product Owner Požadavky:to drive ROI and Customer satisfaction of entrusted product. Product owner should be representing what and why should be done with product. Product owner is also responsible for vision of entrusted pr... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Linux Systems Engineer
Před 748 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: Are you skilled and passionate about Linux and like to work with different Linux versions in both private cloud and public cloud? Then join our Linux team and immerse yourself in the world of Linux and other adjecting technologies and help us develop the best services. You will join our Linux Team You will join team of highly skilled colleagues who will be happy to share their knowledge with you. The Linux team is based in both Denmark and Prague but will cooperate as a single team. You will have daily scrum meetings with the team to make sure all are up to date and have the information they need. You will become part of a growing business, that presents a lot of exciting challenges and thus also opportunities to help put your mark on the company together with your colleagues. You will have the opportunity to work with the latest technologies. We will support you in your development and make sure you evolve with the new technologies. What will be you... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Korean-English speaking Key Account Assistant
Před 1079 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:e-mail: Upřesňující informace: Popis pozice: - péče o naše klíčové zákazníky na dané bázi, rozvíjení obchodních vztahů s nimi a hledání nových obchodních příležitostí - pokročilá znalost korejštiny a angličtiny podmínkou (denní komunikace se zákazníky a s ústředím) Job description: o Taking care of our most important customers on a regular basis, acquiring a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements o Expanding the relationships with existing customers by continuously proposing solutions that meet their objectives o Ensuring the correct services are delivered to customers in a timely manner o Serving as the link of communication between key customers and internal teams o Resolving any issues and problems faced by customers and dealing with complaints to maintain o Playing an integral part in generating new sales that will turn into long-lasting relationships o Searching for new sales opportunities, offering services to new customers (in EMEA reg... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
DevOps Engineer
Před 960 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete zodpovědní za provoz a vývoj platformy, která monitoruje tisíce zákaznických zařízení. Udržování aktuálního stavu a konfigurace platformy bude patřit mezi vaše hlavní povinnosti. Budete také v každodenním kontaktu s ostatními odděleními a čas od času se zákazníky, zejména v případě onboardingu. We are looking for DevOps Engineer to join our team. You will be responsible for running and developing the platform, which monitors thousands of customer devices. Keeping it up to date and configuring the platform will belong among your main responsibilities. You will also be in daily touch with other departments and from time to time with customers, especially in case of onboarding. You will develop new probes in conjunction with our customers to suit the special purpose. If you have a general interest in monitoring, and knowledge of Python or PowerShell as a tool, then you are the right person for us. Your enthusiasm for monitoring, training and analytic skills are preferred. Par... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
DevOps Engineer
Před 960 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Budete zodpovědní za provoz a vývoj platformy, která monitoruje tisíce zákaznických zařízení. Udržování aktuálního stavu a konfigurace platformy bude patřit mezi vaše hlavní povinnosti. Budete také v každodenním kontaktu s ostatními odděleními a čas od času se zákazníky, zejména v případě onboardingu. We are looking for DevOps Engineer to join our team. You will be responsible for running and developing the platform, which monitors thousands of customer devices. Keeping it up to date and configuring the platform will belong among your main responsibilities. You will also be in daily touch with other departments and from time to time with customers, especially in case of onboarding. You will develop new probes in conjunction with our customers to suit the special purpose. If you have a general interest in monitoring, and knowledge of Python or PowerShell as a tool, then you are the right person for us. Your enthusiasm for monitoring, training and analytic skills are preferred. Par... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
.NET Developer
Před 1089 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE Upřesňující informace: What will you do? As .NET Developer on our team, you will be working on several big initiatives within the business. This role will require communication and interaction with multiple internal and external clients to ensure each module interacts properly with each other. The Developer will also troubleshoot issues and develop new enhancements to achieve targeted results. Your responsibilities will include: o Design of the enterprise solution according to the business client's requirements o Solution is mainly focusing on development and integration using the Microsoft Azure and .NET framework o Responsible for low level design o Development of enterprise solutions according to the functional and technical leader's specification. o Continuous optimization of developed solutions o Technical specification writing o Communication with the business requirements owners Project requirements o At least 2-3 years programming experience in... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Automation Developer
Před 1070 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE Upřesňující informace: Budete spolupracovat s různými týmy v naší společnosti, kde je potřeba pomoc s automatizací a optimalizací (např. infrastruktura, fakturace, správa uživatelů). Budete pracovat s různými procesy a částmi IT infrastruktury - např. nastavení zálohování, nastavení virtuálních strojů, automatizace sběru dat. Zaměříte se na psaní nového kódu a optimalizaci stávajících automatizací. About the position You will collaborate with different teams in our company where we need help with automation and optimization (e.g., infrastructure, invoicing, user management). You will work with various processes and parts of IT infrastructure - e.g., setting up backup, setting up virtual machines, automating data collection. Your focus will be on writing new code and optimizing existing automations; maintenance won't take up much of your time. " Write automations for manual work processes " Web scraping and automation using APIs " Debug on existing automations if... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Patch Management Specialist
Před 960 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Patch Management Specialist bude součástí týmu specialistů se zaměřením na zlepšování našich řešení pro všechny naše zákazníky. You will join our Backup & Patch team The team is located in Prague and several locations in Denmark. You will have 5 colleagues in Denmark, 2 of them very skilled Patch Management Specialists and there are 3 more colleagues who help us with daily tasks located in the Philippines. Most of our communication is virtual, but you can expect to travel to our Danish offices to better know your colleagues here and you can expect once in a while their visit in Prague office. Most of the time we are working from home but we like to meet each other also in the office or after the working hours. We like to keep a relaxed tone in the team, help and support each other. About the position You will be an integrated part of our team which is responsible for making the patch systems in IT Relation/ITm8 run efficiently. We make sure that our colleagues have the knowledge t... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Patch Management Specialist
Před 960 dny - Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Patch Management Specialist bude součástí týmu specialistů se zaměřením na zlepšování našich řešení pro všechny naše zákazníky. You will join our Backup & Patch team The team is located in Prague and several locations in Denmark. You will have 5 colleagues in Denmark, 2 of them very skilled Patch Management Specialists and there are 3 more colleagues who help us with daily tasks located in the Philippines. Most of our communication is virtual, but you can expect to travel to our Danish offices to better know your colleagues here and you can expect once in a while their visit in Prague office. Most of the time we are working from home but we like to meet each other also in the office or after the working hours. We like to keep a relaxed tone in the team, help and support each other. About the position You will be an integrated part of our team which is responsible for making the patch systems in IT Relation/ITm8 run efficiently. We make sure that our colleagues have the knowledge t... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Další nabídky najdete zde: Brigády a ostatní práce