Bustmaxx Pills in Pakistan - 03009753384 | reputation
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Bustmaxx Pills in Sialkot - 03009753384 | reputation
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Bustmaxx is a new scam that promises to give you incredible results without any side effects. In this Bustmaxx review, we’ll be taking a closer loo... (více v detailu)
Bustmaxx Pills in Bahawalpur - 03009753384 | reputation
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Bustmaxx is a new scam that promises to give you incredible results without any side effects. In this Bustmaxx review, we’ll be taking a closer loo... (více v detailu)
Bustmaxx Pills in Sukkur - 03009753384 | reputation
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Bustmaxx is a new scam that promises to give you incredible results without any side effects. In this Bustmaxx review, we’ll be taking a closer loo... (více v detailu)
Bustmaxx Pills in Talagang - 03009753384 | reputation
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Bustmaxx is a new scam that promises to give you incredible results without any side effects. In this Bustmaxx review, we’ll be taking a closer l... (více v detailu)
Blue Wizard Drops In Pakistan - 03009753384 | company
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Blue Wizard Drops are a new e-commerce store that gives you the chance to own your own product. When you buy a product with Blue Wizard Drops, you help the company make more and... (více v detailu)
Breast Enlargement Pump In Pakistan - 03009753384 | Enlargem
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best breast enlargement pump in the world, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve been using my breast enlargement pump for about ten years now, so I know it’s the best way to maximize yo... (více v detailu)
Blue Wizard Drops In Lahore - 03009753384 | company
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Blue Wizard Drops are a new e-commerce store that gives you the chance to own your own product. When you buy a product with Blue Wizard Drops, you help the company make more and... (více v detailu)
Breast Enlargement Pump In Kamoke - 03009753384 | Enlargemen
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best breast enlargement pump in the world, you’ve come to the right place. I’ve been using my breast enlargement pump for about ten years now, so I know it’s the best way to maximize yo... (více v detailu)
Blue Wizard Drops In Hyderabad - 03009753384 | company
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Blue Wizard Drops are a new e-commerce store that gives you the chance to own your own product. When you buy a product with Blue Wizard Drops, you help the company make more and... (více v detailu)
Blue Wizard Drops In Faisalabad - 03009753384 | company
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Blue Wizard Drops are a new e-commerce store that gives you the chance to own your own product. When you buy a product with Blue Wizard Drops, you help the company make more and... (více v detailu)
DR.NGIDA @+237 6 96 54 20 00 Money spell/WIN BIG in UK /USA
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Money Spells to spiritually attract money into your life in South Africa -Sudan -Dubai -Norway- Malaysia -Singapore .Money Talisman Spells online cell {+@+237 6 96 54 20 00}Money Spells to spiritually attract money into your life in South Africa -Sudan -Dubai -Norway- Malaysia -Singapore. Money spell can help increase financed in many ways. I can help with business spells, lottery spells, getting people to pay you back and gambling spells. Little Lottery Spell- Are you looking for a jackpot win on either a scratch off ticket or the little lottery? @+237 6 96 54 20 00 This spell can be directed at either type of lottery game in your area to produce a one-time jackpot win. Better Odds Gambling Spell - Do you go to the casinos and gamble frequently? This spell will increase the odds of your natural win when you go to gamble. You will see larger, more frequent wins. Prosperity Spell - Are you looking for an increased income? This spell will help you in all aspects of your life financially.... (více v detailu)
BEST MONEY SPELL +237 6 96 54 2000]@ in UK /USA /NORWAY/UAE
Přidáno včera
{+@+237 6 96 54 20 00} Money troubles plague many people. Are abundance and prosperity not flowing into your life the way they should be? Money spells, along with some other energy work, can help you get the prosperity flowing
contact BABA NGIDA via WhatsApp:{+{+@+237 6 96 54 20 00} }for your solutions
Whenever we have blocks around certain issues in our lives, money being one of them, it is important to do some deep introspection into the source of the blockage. Our financial state of affairs is influenced via the channel of abundance. What is your own personal relationship with abundance?
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There are certain Wealth spells which can instantly make money come flowing in from unexpected sources. These spells are powerful and work immediately to gather a money attracting aura around a person. Knowledge of these spells has been kept a secret for many centuries so only a select few persons and their families who have access to thi... (více v detailu)
Security Operation Center Analyst
Před 36 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: Rysková Martina Ing., e-mail: marys@itm8.com SOC Analytik bude zodpovědný za monitorování a reakci na bezpečnostní incidenty pomocí různých bezpečnostních nástrojů, jako je SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), AV (Antivirus), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), VM (Vulnerability Management), TI (Threat Intelligence) a SOAR (Security Orchestration and Automatic Response), tak aby interní a zákaznická IT infrastruktura zůstala bezpečná.Role zahrnuje detekci, analýzu a reakci na incidenty a také nepřetržité monitorování hrozeb.Jako analytik SOC budete muset pracovat ve směnném režimu 24/7, včetně nocí, víkendů a svátků. The content of this job is to: " The SOC Analyst will be responsible for monitoring and responding to security incidents using various security tools such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), AV (Antivirus), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), VM (Vulnerability Management), TI (Threat Intelligence) and SOAR (Security Orchestrat... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Security Operation Center Analyst
Před 36 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: Rysková Martina Ing., e-mail: marys@itm8.com SOC Analytik bude zodpovědný za monitorování a reakci na bezpečnostní incidenty pomocí různých bezpečnostních nástrojů, jako je SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), AV (Antivirus), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), VM (Vulnerability Management), TI (Threat Intelligence) a SOAR (Security Orchestration and Automatic Response), tak aby interní a zákaznická IT infrastruktura zůstala bezpečná.Role zahrnuje detekci, analýzu a reakci na incidenty a také nepřetržité monitorování hrozeb.Jako analytik SOC budete muset pracovat ve směnném režimu 24/7, včetně nocí, víkendů a svátků. The content of this job is to: " The SOC Analyst will be responsible for monitoring and responding to security incidents using various security tools such as SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), AV (Antivirus), Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR), VM (Vulnerability Management), TI (Threat Intelligence) and SOAR (Security Orchestrat... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Developer
Před 466 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: monika.zemkova@aevi.com What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you will bring to Aevi... o Must have: o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Business Controller
Před 598 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kolaja Marek Ing., e-mail: marek.kolaja@siemens-energy.com A Snapshot of Your Day You start your day fully energized to get things done as a member of an international team. For our team, no day is like the other. While sometimes, you are focused on crunching numbers, you will also be communicating with many people, to align, seek support, learn, and provide help. The results of your work are of utmost importance to assess our businesses performance and take adequate business decisions. Therefore, you will feel you are making an impact every single day. Digitalization is key to our joint success - as a curious learner, you ?nd ways of improvement and proactively push theimplementation for the bene?t of our team, our business, and our company. How You'll Make an Impact " Prepare annual budget and monthly forecasts, with presentations to management for review and approval " Manage the ?nancial analysis and reporting, including regular reports outs of the ?nancial performance " Deve... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Network Implementation Specialist
Před 575 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Rysková Martina Ing., e-mail: marys@itm8.com Budete zodpovědný za nasazení nových zákazníků nebo nových zákaznických řešení v multitenantské síťové infrastruktuře. V úzké spolupráci s interními a externími zainteresovanými stranami budete zodpovědní za specifikaci a rozdělení požadavků na zákaznická řešení na nasaditelné pracovní balíčky pro vás a vaše kolegy v týmu pro nasazení sítě. Dalším zaměřením vaší role bude spolupráce s projektovými manažery a technickým síťovým architektem, abyste zajistili, že nasazená řešení budou kompatibilní se stávajícím systémem. As Network Implementation Specialist at IT Relation you will be responsible for the deployment of new customers or new customer solutions in the multitenant network infrastructure (datacenter and backbone). Working closely with internal and external stakeholders, you will be responsible for the specification and breakdown of customer solution requirements to deployable work packages for you and your colleagues in the network... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Developer
Před 466 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: monika.zemkova@aevi.com What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you will bring to Aevi... o Must have: o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
DevOps ML Engineer
Před 630 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
KONTAKT : Romana Patúšová, e-mail: romana@podproza.cz Hledáme vysoce motivovaného, praktického a odpovědného inženýra DevOps ML, který je nadšený, že může hrát klíčovou roli v našem rostoucím týmu. Naši Data Scientists / Blockchain Intelligence Analyst vyvíjejí algoritmy, které našim klientům poskytují datové analýzy a přehledy, a hledáme někoho, kdo by nám pomohl nastavit datové kanály, nasadit je do produkce a monitorovat běžící služby. Chceme, abyste vybudovali vysoce dostupnou a škálovatelnou infrastrukturu automatizace dat, která pomůže společnosti Podproza zkrátit dobu potřebnou k realizaci našich projektů a vyřešení zásadních problémů s blockchainem. Zodpovědnost: - Navrhnutí datových kanálů a nástrojů pro usnadnění větší automatizace projektů Podprozy - Aplikace softwarového inženýrství a osvědčených postupů na širší podnik, včetně strojového učení, CI/CD a projektů business intelligence - Předávání dobře otestovaného, bezpečného, spolehlivého kódu ve stanovených termínech - P... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
DevOps ML Engineer
Před 630 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
KONTAKT : Romana Patúšová, e-mail: romana@podproza.cz Hledáme vysoce motivovaného, praktického a odpovědného inženýra DevOps ML, který je nadšený, že může hrát klíčovou roli v našem rostoucím týmu. Naši Data Scientists / Blockchain Intelligence Analyst vyvíjejí algoritmy, které našim klientům poskytují datové analýzy a přehledy, a hledáme někoho, kdo by nám pomohl nastavit datové kanály, nasadit je do produkce a monitorovat běžící služby. Chceme, abyste vybudovali vysoce dostupnou a škálovatelnou infrastrukturu automatizace dat, která pomůže společnosti Podproza zkrátit dobu potřebnou k realizaci našich projektů a vyřešení zásadních problémů s blockchainem. Zodpovědnost: - Navrhnutí datových kanálů a nástrojů pro usnadnění větší automatizace projektů Podprozy - Aplikace softwarového inženýrství a osvědčených postupů na širší podnik, včetně strojového učení, CI/CD a projektů business intelligence - Předávání dobře otestovaného, bezpečného, spolehlivého kódu ve stanovených termínech - P... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Demand Planner Export & License EMEA APAC
Před 641 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:email:zuzana.sabolova@molsoncoors.com Upřesňující informace: Ochota cestovat v rámci pracovních povinností alespoň 15% pracovního času. Demand Planner, Export and License EMEA & APAC Your Purpose The role is crucial in E&L Supply chain for Forecasting and other related processes both internally and externally with contract manufacturing partners. Moreover, for Supply chain planning making sure that processes are set up and followed regularly per contracts/agreements, network Sourcing optimization and planning which includes optimization of several sourcing locations and alignment on best route from total landed cost perspective across EMEA & APAC geographies. You will be also accountable for the planning aspects of packaging and product development, new stock keeping units (SKUs), CAPEX planning and CAR preparation and execution as well as the identification and delivery of Value Optimization Process projects for Export & Licence. Some key responsibilities will include also: ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Test Analyst
Před 305 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
What you will do... " review functional specifications and customer requirements to identify issues for testing and use these as the basis for writing test scenarios and test cases " produce test scenarios and test cases, including desired outcomes, for low complexity systems. " create test data and specify the testing environment " execute all levels of testing in line with the defined test plan and support other team members with their testing efforts, as required " document and verify test results and record all defects/incidents encountered during testing " ensure all defects are described with appropriate detail, communicated effectively to the relevant team members, and logged in the corporate defect management tool provided " peer review test scenarios and test cases created by other team members " liaise with other team members to better understand requirements and produce more effective test scenarios " complete impact analysis of change requests and changing priorities " ensu... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 641 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: monika.zemkova@aevi.com Some of the responsibilities will include: - Implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification - Design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency - Perform unit tests - Write clean, clear code and reusable code - Contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle - Propose changes to current code infrastructure - Conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging - Build reusable components and front-end libraries - Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code - Develop documentation Ideally, we are looking for someone with the following skills: Must have: - Willingness to learn - Team player: Like being part of an effective, engaging team - Basic understanding of the networking protocols - Ability to understand business requirements and translate... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Test Analyst
Před 305 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: monika.zemkova@aevi.com What you will do... " review functional specifications and customer requirements to identify issues for testing and use these as the basis for writing test scenarios and test cases " produce test scenarios and test cases, including desired outcomes, for low complexity systems. " create test data and specify the testing environment " execute all levels of testing in line with the defined test plan and support other team members with their testing efforts, as required " document and verify test results and record all defects/incidents encountered during testing " ensure all defects are described with appropriate detail, communicated effectively to the relevant team members, and logged in the corporate defect management tool provided " peer review test scenarios and test cases created by other team members " liaise with other team members to better understand requirements and produce more effective test scenarios " complete impact analysis ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 470 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: monika.zemkova@aevi.com What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a knack for benchmarking and optimiz... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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