Podobné inzeráty
Chorvátsko,apartmán len 3 domy od pláži s pieskom v mori ...
Před 8 dny
Ponúkame veľmi obľúbený apartmán, blízučko pri krásnej širokej pláži s pozvoľným vstupom do mora a s pieskom v mori ! Apartmán je pri južnej pláži ostrova Vir, je jediný v objekte na prenájom, kde by ste mali viac súkromia.
Apartmán má 2 spálne, dennú miestnosť so sedačkou a kúpelňu. Má peknú rohovú kuchynskú časť, jedálenský stôl a krásnu terasu s čiastočným výhľadom na more. Apartmán má pitnú vodu z verejného vodovodu. Pri dome je gril a parkovanie v uzavr... (více v detailu)
Franklin BDS-1900 (Sprachenstudio Deutsch-Englisch Pro)
Před 15 dny
- Jihomoravský kraj - BAZOS
Výborný na vyhledávání frází které i namluví do angličtiny a němčiny zvukově bez potřeby wifi a jiných blbostí , umí také překladat slova ale to je nic velkýho.Předvedu v chodu pracuje bezvadně :-)
Professionelle Wortschatzbasis:
PONS Großwörterbuch Englisch mit rund 390.000 Stichwörtern und Wendungen
Oxford Advanced Learner' s Dictionary mit rund 183.500 Wörter, Wendungen und Bedeutungen mit 85.000 Beispielen
Oxford of Thesaurus of English mit über 600.000 Synonymen und Antonymen
DUDEN Deutsches Universalwörterbuch rund 150.000 Stichwörter und Wendungen mit über 500.000 Anwendungsbeispielen
Franklin typische Zusatzfunktionen:
Übersetzung und Aussprache von Wörtern, Redewendungen in British-English und Deutsch (... (více v detailu)
Jihomoravský kraj
1 000
Ein Zimmer ohne Kaution vermieten
Před 19 dny
- Plzeňský kraj - BAZOS
Nur für Deutschen ich vermite ich Zimmer für deutscher Mann. Nur für lange Zeit. Regelmäßig verbindund mit dem Zug zwischen Prag-Pilsen-Regensburg-München. Und nach Domazlice, Pilsen und Prag. Alles ist drin Möbel, internet. Dazu gehört Kuche... (více v detailu)
Plzeňský kraj
Pokladní kotoučky 57 mm x 18 m 55 ks, 10 Kč za kus
Před 42 dny
- Středočeský kraj - SBAZAR
55 pokladních kotoucku vhodných do all in one tabletů. Prodej pouze všech kusů. Ideálně oso... (více v detailu)
Středočeský kraj
Hodinový manžel / Rent a husband
Před 72 dny
- Plzeňský kraj - SBAZAR
Dobrý den, nabízím své služby hodinového manžela.. Montáže-demontáže nábytku, montáž spotřebičů, drobné instalatérské práce(výměna vodovodní baterie, odp... (více v detailu)
Plzeňský kraj
Deutscher Mann sucht Frau aus CZ
Před 79 dny
Hallo. Ich bin ein gepflegter netter Mann 48 und wohne 50km von CZ Entfernt. Wü... (více v detailu)
Machine Learning Engineer
Před 424 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Grebeňová Kateřina, e-mail: Napln prace - Develop a state-of-the-art data science and ML runtime stack in a multi-cloud environment. - Understand and use computer science fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms, computability and complexity and computer architecture. - Manage the infrastructure and pipelines needed to bring models and code into production. - Demonstrate end-to-end understanding of applications (including, but not limited to, the machine learning algorithms) being created. - Build algorithms based on statistical modelling procedures and build and maintain scalable machine learning solutions in production. - Apply machine learning algori... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Developer
Před 515 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you will bring to Aevi... o Must have: o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Senior Developer
Před 515 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you will bring to Aevi... o Must have: o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a ... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Deutscher (55) sucht Frau in Tschechien
Před 421 dny
Hallo, ich bin männlich, 55 Jahre und suche eine Frau in Tschechien zum kennenlernen. Es wäre gut, wenn du deutsch spric... (více v detailu)
Internal Audit Specialist
Před 421 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Červená Adéla, e-mail: o Conduct the assessment of internal control over financial reporting (commonly known as SOX Compliances) and reportings. o Assist in all related SOX activities. o Assist in standardization and improvement SOX documentation and activities. o Audit project in Europe Region (from organization up to site audit) and assist in all related activities. o Assist in other missions (Ad HOC project) related to department from time to time. o Possible business trips. Požadavky: o o Knowledge of principal of auditing. o T... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 690 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: Some of the responsibilities will include: - Implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification - Design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency - Perform unit tests - Write clean, clear code and reusable code - Contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle - Propose changes to current code infrastructure - Conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging - Build reusable components and front-end libraries - Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code - Develop documentation Ideally, we are looking for someone with the following skills: Must have: - Willingness to learn - Team player: Like being part of an effective, engaging team - Basic understanding of the networking protocols - Ability to understand business requirements and translate... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Před 519 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a knack for benchmarking and optimiz... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Gelernter Kellner, Prag
Před 322 dny
Auf der Suche nach einem Job in Deutschland Meine Erfahrung kommt aus Prag. Ich bin fleißig, höflich ... (více v detailu)
Bürofachkraft in einem Transportunternehmen
Před 361 dny
- Jihočeský kraj - ANNONCE
Für unseren wichtigen Kunden, ein Logistikunternehmen aus České Budějovice suchen wir zur Erweiterung ihrer Firma eine Mitarbeiterin / einen Mitarbeiter für ihr Backoffice. Position Bürofachkraft in einem Transportunternehmen.
Dein Aufgabenbereich umfasst arbeiten in der Verwaltung, Unterstützung des Managements und Hilfe in der Disposition.
Wir bieten ein freundliches Arbeitsklima mit einem tollen Team, eine überdurchschnittliche finanzielle Vergütung und einen Job in einem aufstrebenden europäischen Transportunternehmen.
Vorkenntnisse in der Logistik sind nicht erforderlich, wir bringen Ihnen alles bei.
Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Wenn Sie an... (více v detailu)
Jihočeský kraj
Před 690 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Zemkova Monika, e-mail: Some of the responsibilities will include: - Implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification - Design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency - Perform unit tests - Write clean, clear code and reusable code - Contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle - Propose changes to current code infrastructure - Conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging - Build reusable components and front-end libraries - Translate designs and wireframes into high quality code - Develop documentation Ideally, we are looking for someone with the following skills: Must have: - Willingness to learn - Team player: Like being part of an effective, engaging team - Basic understanding of the networking protocols - Ability to understand business requirements and translate... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Machine Learning Engineer
Před 424 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Grebeňová Kateřina, e-mail: Napln prace - Develop a state-of-the-art data science and ML runtime stack in a multi-cloud environment. - Understand and use computer science fundamentals, including data structures, algorithms, computability and complexity and computer architecture. - Manage the infrastructure and pipelines needed to bring models and code into production. - Demonstrate end-to-end understanding of applications (including, but not limited to, the machine learning algorithms) being created. - Build algorithms based on statistical modelling procedures and build and maintain scalable machine learning solutions in production. - Apply machine learning algori... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Ausgebildeter Kellner
Před 333 dny
Er sucht einen Job in Dresden, Deutschland, ich habe Erfahrung, ich bin erfahren, anständig und fleißig. Ich weiß, wie man Kassen ... (více v detailu)
Před 519 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt: e-mail: What you will do... o implement a particular technology-based code according to the task description and specification o design, develop, and manage applications and software that can be high-volume and low latency o cover most of the code by unit tests o write clean, clear code and reusable code o contribute to all stages of software development lifecycle o propose changes to current code infrastructure o conduct software analysis, programming, testing, and debugging o build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use o translate designs and wireframes into high quality code o develop documentation What you o demonstrable developer experience o a willingness to learn o be a team player: loves being part of an effective, engaging team o a basic understanding of the networking protocols o an ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements o a knack for benchmarking and optimiz... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Internal Audit Specialist
Před 421 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Červená Adéla, e-mail: o Conduct the assessment of internal control over financial reporting (commonly known as SOX Compliances) and reportings. o Assist in all related SOX activities. o Assist in standardization and improvement SOX documentation and activities. o Audit project in Europe Region (from organization up to site audit) and assist in all related activities. o Assist in other missions (Ad HOC project) related to department from time to time. o Possible business trips. Požadavky: o o Knowledge of principal of auditing. o T... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Korean-English speaking Key Account Assistant
Před 1021 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:e-mail: Upřesňující informace: Popis pozice: - péče o naše klíčové zákazníky na dané bázi, rozvíjení obchodních vztahů s nimi a hledání nových obchodních příležitostí - pokročilá znalost korejštiny a angličtiny podmínkou (denní komunikace se zákazníky a s ústředím) Job description: o Taking care of our most important customers on a regular basis, acquiring a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements o Expanding the relationships with existing customers by continuously proposing solutions that meet their objectives o Ensuring the correct services are delivered to customers in a timely manner o Serving as the link of communication between key customers and internal teams o Resolving any issues and problems faced by customers and dealing with complaints to maintain o Playing an integral part in generating new sales that will turn into long-lasting relationships o Searching for new sales opportunities, offering services to new customers (in EMEA reg... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Junior QA Specialist
Před 1014 dny
- Olomoucký kraj - ANNONCE
Pracoviště: Holická 1090/31A, Olomouc. Zaměstnání na dobu určitou 1 rok. Kontakt POUZE emailem. We are looking for an individual who is passionate for Games and Gaming and strives for Quality. Are you a QA enthusiast? Or a true gamer? To test or not to test, that is the question. You will: - Work Monday to Friday 8:30 to 17:00 at our QA lab in Olomouc - Understand the differences between QA disciplines and apply them - Test and regress the titles to support dedicated internal teams and manager - (Learn to) develop testing strategies that are specific to projects(s) and platform requirements - (Learn to) run specifically dedicated and designed tests - (Learn to) Understand existing processes and validation protocols - Collaborate within the team in tasks related to projects needing internal check - (Learn to) provide feedback based on set requirements - Help to evaluate product milestone approvals, certification and release readiness - (Get to) understand how to document and verify 1s... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj
Junior QA Specialist
Před 1014 dny
- Olomoucký kraj - ANNONCE
Pracoviště: Holická 1090/31A, Olomouc. Zaměstnání na dobu určitou 1 rok. Kontakt POUZE emailem. We are looking for an individual who is passionate for Games and Gaming and strives for Quality. Are you a QA enthusiast? Or a true gamer? To test or not to test, that is the question. You will: - Work Monday to Friday 8:30 to 17:00 at our QA lab in Olomouc - Understand the differences between QA disciplines and apply them - Test and regress the titles to support dedicated internal teams and manager - (Learn to) develop testing strategies that are specific to projects(s) and platform requirements - (Learn to) run specifically dedicated and designed tests - (Learn to) Understand existing processes and validation protocols - Collaborate within the team in tasks related to projects needing internal check - (Learn to) provide feedback based on set requirements - Help to evaluate product milestone approvals, certification and release readiness - (Get to) understand how to document and verify 1s... (více v detailu)
Olomoucký kraj
Korean-English speaking Key Account Assistant
Před 1021 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Kontakt:e-mail: Upřesňující informace: Popis pozice: - péče o naše klíčové zákazníky na dané bázi, rozvíjení obchodních vztahů s nimi a hledání nových obchodních příležitostí - pokročilá znalost korejštiny a angličtiny podmínkou (denní komunikace se zákazníky a s ústředím) Job description: o Taking care of our most important customers on a regular basis, acquiring a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements o Expanding the relationships with existing customers by continuously proposing solutions that meet their objectives o Ensuring the correct services are delivered to customers in a timely manner o Serving as the link of communication between key customers and internal teams o Resolving any issues and problems faced by customers and dealing with complaints to maintain o Playing an integral part in generating new sales that will turn into long-lasting relationships o Searching for new sales opportunities, offering services to new customers (in EMEA reg... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
Business Development Manager
Před 361 dny
- Hlavní město Praha - ANNONCE
Strategic Innovator Needed: Business Development Manager
A company that's like a magnet for awards?
You bet - that's how we roll! With a triple win at CES® - the tech world's equivalent of the Olympics - and a special sash from the President of Korea for our innovative contributions, we are on our way to setting a new standard in education of the visually impaired.
Matapo Distribution is on a thrilling journey to redefine education for the visually impaired community with our groundbreaking tactile graphic display - Dot Pad, making it possible for students to learn through touch, not just audio and Braille.
Here’s the Scoop:
We’re on the lookout for someone with a spark of passion and a touch of madness to be our next Business Development Manager for Europe.
What Awaits You?
Managing a big pan-European project? That's in the day's work!, Building friendships with partners all over Europe, Negotiating and making teamwork a breeze, Diving into markets and discovering what's possib... (více v detailu)
Hlavní město Praha
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Cestování a ubytování